The portfolio and blog of David Bennett

Category: Information

It’s alive!

Through the web and database version of mitosis, the development posts and professional content that used to reside here are now in a new location at a brand-new website. The new site, DavidBennettDev now exists as the professional counterpart to this site as I focus more on things like music and games here.

So if you’re looking for my posts on web development, Agile methodologies, coding, and data manipulation, then I encourage you to visit the new site. It’s shiny new from the top down, using Twitter Bootstrap and a bunch of new things that I didn’t care to add here. On the other hand, if you’re looking for my excursions into music, writing, games (of any stripe, be it computer, pen-and-paper, or board), genealogy, maps, and all those things that I find interesting, then you’ve come to the right place.

Coming soon is yet another site, this one focused on my family, my family tree, and things of interest to history and genealogy buffs. Stay tuned for the launch of that site.

Site Revisions

After some time running this site under Joomla! with the blog being handled by WordPress, I’ve finally switched over to only use WordPress. Although I like the features of a full-fledged content management system and Joomla! has some great features, it was both a little more heavy-weight than I needed and the maintenance tasks to keep it up-to-date were taking away from other work that I wanted to do. In particular, even though I’m using the excellent Now Reading Reloaded plugin to manage my library (after switching from the original Now Reading plugin), it’s no longer being updated and there are some features that I’d really like it to have. Unfortunately, the way the plugin is architected, I’ve come to conclusion that I’d be better off writing a new plugin, particularly if I wanted a less hacked-together way to store authors as separate entities in their own database table. My library has also grown to a size that I’d like to better be able to paginate results and other things like that.

Meanwhile, I’ve temporarily removed some pages, so if you’ve come looking for them, my apologies. I’ll be adding things back along with more things besides in the coming weeks. If you notice something missing and care to offer constructive feedback, I’d be happy to hear from you!

Daily Schedule

Turns out I keep much the same daily schedule as Ben Franklin without the long lunch.  More or less.  I thought that, “early to bed, early to rise” meant going to bed by 7 PM or something.  Turns out it’s more like 10 PM.

Here’s Benjamin Franklin’s Daily Routine and there are plenty others on this site that make for some pretty interesting reading.

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